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Yellow Sapphire-Pukhraj-पुखराज

Posted by himalaya rudraksh on

Yellow Sapphire, also called Pukhraj, is a very precious, yellow colored gemstone of the Corundum family.

Color Bright lemon or Yellow color.

Metal Silver plus Gold moreover in some cases, Brass (Panchdhatu), platinum, or white gold can also be used.

Finger Index finger of the working hand.

Day & Time Thursday, morning between 5-7 am.

Mantras Om Brim Brihaspataye Namaha, "ॐ ब्रिम बृहस्पतये नमः।" 108 times 

Birthstone to Zodiac Sign Sagitarius (धनु ), Pisces (मीन )

 Pukhraj also known as Pukhraj Ratna, Guru Ratan, Pushkaraj stone, Pushparagam stone, Kanakapushyaragam stone, and Peetamani. It is one of the most known gemstones in Vedic astrology carried for professional prosperityhappy marriagesenhanced willpower, and a healthy child. Associated with the planet Jupiter "बृहस्पति" and is suggested for the Zodiac Signs Sagittarius (धनु) and Pisces (मीन). Jupiter governs knowledge and wealthPukhraj privileges in the healing of prosperity in businesses or jobs providing knowledge, creativity, or practicality are needed like legal services, academics, and enterprises. Astrologers immensely believe in Yellow Sapphire for bringing financial stability in your life, enhanced willpower, and balance heading to a climb in monetary and worldly prosperity. 

Carrying Yellow Sapphire serves personalities by improving their digestive strength as well as limiting liver and kidney illnesses. Pukhraj helps you to recover when you have conditions like Jaundice and Tuberculosis. Astrologers actively encourage Yellow sapphire for women seeking matrimonial peace or who are facing obstacles in a marriage. As Jupiter also rules progeny, Pukhraj's effects also include supporting childless couples by revigorating fertility.

Yellow Sapphire Pukhraj's medicinal qualities are well known. In alternative healing treatments, Jupiter is known to operate the Will Chakra in your body. When balanced physically, we have the strength to fight diseases, feel free from allergic reactions. When this chakra is out of balance spiritually, we feel anxiety or disapproval, anger to our life and pleasures. When the chakra is stable we are free to understand the world through our thoughts and passions. Wearing Pukhraj activates the chakra and increases willpower and concentration, helping you to recognize own idea and develop own purposes.

 Before wearing Yellow Sapphire, it is essential to ensure that planet Jupiter is favorably placed in your birth chart.

Indian astrology guides Pukhraj gemstone for Sagittarius and Pisces zodiac signs.

Western astrology suggests a Yellow Sapphire birthstone for Sagittarius.

Yellow Sapphire gemstone can also be carried by AriesCancerLeo, and Scorpio zodiac signs.

To Buy

Natural Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) Visit Himalaya Rudraksh Anusandhan Kendra

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  • Admirable blog! You have put down amazing knowledge about gemstones. If you ever think about buying one for yourself, please buy the Burma Yellow Sapphire from a certified trusted vendor for guaranteed astrological effects. Authenticity does matter with gemstones!

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    Neha on
  • Looking to procure Yellow Sapphire of the finest quality? A top-notch Pukhraj stone symbolizes wisdom and stands for prosperity and good fortune. Try to ensure that your selected natural Yellow Sapphire has high clarity and coloration and is certified. The best selection will be found in reputable gemstone companies.

    Visit us –

    Neha on
  • How to wear Pukhraj stone to attain maximum benefits of Pukhraj? For more information, do visit:-

    Nidhi Soni on
  • What is difference between Thai pukhraj and cylonese pukhraj?
    Are both comes with guarantee?

    Milind Morbale on

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