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Natural Emerald-Panna-पन्ना

Posted by himalaya rudraksh on

Emerald "Panna" is a green-colored, very expensive gemstone of the Beryl mineral family. It is one of the most likely gemstones in Vedic astrology worn for progress in businesses & jobs, productive or intellectual chases including information endeavoring ventures.

Color Bright Green.

Metal Gold is highly recommended. You can use Panchdhaatu, platinum, white gold, and silver also.

Finger Little finger, or the Ring finger.

Day & Time Wednesday, after sunrise.

Mantras "Om Budhaye Namha", "ॐ बुधाय नमः |" (108 Times)

Birthstone to Zodiac Sign Gemini (मिथुन), Virgo (कन्या)

Emerald is also known as Pachu stone, Markat-Mani, Parnaya, and Budh Ratna and Smaragdos.

Ideal for Financial, Intellectual, and Creative Enterprises.

Mercury manages knowledge, Panna Rashi Ratan is believed to increase the wearer’s perception, logic, and thought skills. Astrologers thus extremely suggest wearing Emerald for people serving in finance, business, book keeping, share market trading, etc. As well as for people engaged in productive enterprises.

Mercury is considered the Vaani-karaka in Vedic astrology. Hence, people suffering from speech-related concerns and low self-esteem can be helped when they wear Emerald and do great in their social and professional careers. Emerald (Panna) benefits people working in PR, Media, or Mass Communication-related parts, the most utmost.

A relaxed mind enhanced senses also calm skin

It is believed that wearing an Emerald stone benefits people suffering from ear, eye, and skin-related infirmities. Emerald as Rashi Ratan is also extremely useful in treating several allergies and nervous disorders.

Emeralds are known for containing three-phase compositions – solid crystals, liquid films, and gaseous bubbles, found less or more in nearly all origins. An eye-clean Emerald with bright-green color is highly rare and thus is especially expensive.


Natural Emerald(Panna)Visit Himalaya Rudraksh Anusandhan Kendra

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  • This blog provides an insightful and comprehensive guide to emeralds (Panna), covering their historical significance, quality factors, pricing, and astrological benefits. For more information, do visit:-

    Nidhi Soni on
  • A great guide on Emerald (Panna) and its astrological benefits! This blog provides useful insights for those considering an emerald-price online purchase. For more information, do visit:-

    Nidhi Soni on
  • Hi Dear

    “Thank you for this informative and engaging post on the natural gemstone emerald! Emeralds are truly stunning gemstones with a rich history and symbolism. I appreciated the information on the formation of emeralds and the various locations where they can be found. The section on the physical and healing properties of emeralds was also very interesting, and it’s amazing to think about the potential benefits that wearing an emerald can have on one’s well-being. The photos included in this post were breathtaking and really showcased the beauty of emeralds. Overall, this post is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about natural emeralds and their significance. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise on this topic!”

    Dhanshree Gems on

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